We at Bends&Curves road trips plan tours to make new memories. And oh boy we did so during Trans Alps 2022. Looking back at this tour, first the participants come to mind – the best group ever we said (okay we might have said that before). Chemistry in motion. When it comes to mountain passes, it’s hard to pick a winner. But for sure, right up there at the top of our list, the Albula Pass comes to mind.

With the summit at 2.315 m it’s not the highest of alpine passes. But it’s unspoiled, no tourist traps are to be found. To experience it at its best, start Eastern at La Punt. After a wonderful run up through the meadows, the valley opens to some beautiful sweepers and breathtaking peaks.

We agree completely with Ultimate Drives: “At the summit of the pass, you really do feel that you are on a luna landscape, and the plateaux sweeps some 5 km directly out in front of you, before starting the descent, this particular stretch is really what a dream road is all about!”

Come take a ride with us!



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