Preparation for a serious road trip (approximately 50 cars with their drivers, and some 50 co-drivers) should be taken seriously and takes serious time. We are part of the team that prepares the Autumn Tour for Lotus Club Holland. It’s all about finding appealing locations with ample parking places and in between them great roads for the drivers.
Start and finish location … CHECK! The Brakkesteyn Estate in Nijmegen (eastern part of the Netherlands, near the German border) ticks all the boxes for people who love the good things in life. Lunch will be in or near Heeze in the beautiful Peel area.
So our aim was to find the typical B-roads in between that are so beautiful to drive – fast parts, mixed with bends and curves and beautiful landscapes – without too much connecting A-roads and as much as possible avoiding roads with potholes, speed bumps and speed cameras. And yes folks, we succeeded, we think!
The Lotus Club Holland Autumn Tour 2019 will be a tour for the drivers. Nearly 5 hours driving, some 200 km of asphalt, good food and drinks. Soon registration opens!